[blind-democracy] Re: interesting article by blind photographer

  • From: Alice Dampman Humel <alicedh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: blind-democracy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2015 07:57:34 -0400

well, I guess Abdulah has now learned to keep his thoughts to himself now, too,
learned the hard way.
That woman baited him, then closed in for the kill. It’s shameful what she did.
People do this all the time…they ask questions, push for answers, then get ugly
if they don’t happen to like the answers they get.

On Aug 27, 2015, at 10:37 PM, Miriam Vieni <miriamvieni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


That is quite a story. But I have to tell you that when I was working, I had
a rule for myself. I never discussed politics or religion with my clients. I
had clients with many different viewpoints and most of them were different
from mine. So if they talked about what they thought, I just listened. Every
once in a while, I came across someone who actually thought the way I did,
and I then felt comfortable agreeing with them. But those were exceptions.
Now if I'd had someone like your customer, who was so insistent, it would
have been more difficult. But I probably would have told her that I don't
discuss politics with my customers because I want to concentrate on doing my
work. It's something I learned when I went to social work school, to keep a
wall beetween my personal life and feelings, and my work. It's a kind of
self protection.

-----Original Message-----
From: blind-democracy-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:blind-democracy-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of abdulah aga
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 9:44 PM
To: blind-democracy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [blind-democracy] Re: interesting article by blind photographer

Hi every one and thanks for trying and giving suggestion to me.

I agree with Miriam what she sed about me,

I have to say this, up to

2001 life was easy for me and mostly was going how I want it,

with comition for blind,

but from 2001 everything was change, every body trying Ron way or find
esquse to ether don't talk or forget whet she or he did with me about my
case or even they are clows my case with out nod is to me:

2003 when I get new case worker when I apply for service and I told to her
story that I even didn't know that is my case clows she sad jus I know and
jus told me no problem don't worry.

she was so nice person bud she told to me she don't want work long time for
this organization:

I herd lader that she left work for some police agency.

Carl and other member of this list,

you have to know when I talk with person over phone or some where in park it
is everything ok,

but when I say my name is Abdulah then story is torly defrentds,

some people who don't know that this name is associate with Muslim name
continue talk,

but after that when they are find out that is my name Muslim name then story
is different.
There is all problem,

who want agree or not but this is reality in USA.

Carl and other member of this list, let me share one story who I didn't
share with almost no one.

So 2003 yare I will never forget,

this is when I was on intershift for massage therapy what I should work
round 300 hours after that I could take state exam.

So that day I get one old lady to massage,

she told to me who is she and that she use to work in down town for given
people passport,

and now she is ritayere
and she ask me for name so on so on where are I am coming from and how I
like so on so on,

and then she ask me about lection in USA that yare was presidents yare for
new president or new president of USA, yu know who was president that yare.

She ask me whom I would like to bee president Boosh Or Jon Cary.

I told to her who ever USA people elect I don't mind,

She sad so I would like to bee Boosh agen president,

I told to her I wouldn't like but who ask me what I like what ever people of
USA say we have to except!

she say why don't like Boosh to bee president?

I sad we have him and he make war so what we get new in USA nothing jus more
people died that it,

so I don't like war that why I am here because of war.

So she told to me yea but Boosh have to make war for pees because Sad am
Hussein have nuclear bomb!,

I asks here so did we find nuclear bomb?

she say no because he move it in Syria!,

I sad yes nuclear bomb or nuclear thinks is so small,

muss bee he poot in packets and move in to Syria no one could see when and
how he move it!.

then she say stop I don't want talk with you and stand up from table,

go and tell director I didn't know that you poot me in to hands of
when director asks me what happened I told all what is happened,

director told to me why did you talk to her?

I told to her I didn't want to, but she jus asking and asking.

then director told to me next time don't talk and jus make report!

so see every body may say what they are feel and how they are feel,

jus I mustn't.

If you are in this position, how would you like feel and what ales I should
to say or even to try.

Abdulah Hasic.

-----Original Message-----
From: Miriam Vieni
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 3:33 PM
To: blind-democracy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [blind-democracy] Re: interesting article by blind photographer


I know that you were trying to help Abdulah. I just wanted to point out that
your situation is so different from his and that hearing about how one blind
person has been successful, although it can sometimes be helpful and
inspiring, can also feel discouraging because each of us is so different.
Our personalities are different. Our circumstances are different. Sometimes,
it can even make someone feel really bad about oneself if he or she can't
emulate the model. You are warm and outgoing and you can assert yourself. I
know that I am not at all like that and I certainly would be unable to reach
out to people in the way that you did. But I have to say that I have a great
deal of respect for people who come to a new country and put forth the
effort to learn to speak a new language and adjust to a completely new way
of life. I can't imagine myself being able to do that. It takes tremendous
courage and strength. I wish that all of our fellow countrymen were more
welcoming to newcomers.


-----Original Message-----
From: blind-democracy-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:blind-democracy-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Carl Jarvis
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 2:57 PM
To: blind-democracy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [blind-democracy] Re: interesting article by blind photographer

All you say is very true, Miriam. But still, Abdulah is where he is and has
to rely on what abilities he has. Probably listing the sort of things that
worked for me has no application for him. But I would still say that
Abdulah and anyone who is in similar situations, need to develop a plan to
reach their goals. And most employment goals are reached through contact
with people in the desired field of employment. Some time back I tried
reaching out to a couple of people I know near where Abdulah lives. Neither
of them ever bothered to return my emails. I believe that both are in the
NFB, and I'd hoped they could access some assistance from that organization.
Actually, I should learn to keep my big mouth shut when I know so little
about another person's situation. And the distance also limits what I might
do if I lived close by. It's frustrating to see Abdulah struggling, and no
blind people are willing to spend the energy and time to help him over the

Carl Jarvis
On 8/27/15, Miriam Vieni <miriamvieni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

You were born in America and grew up in the area where you ended up
seeking work as a blind person. You had sight as an adult and had jobs
before you became totally blind. You had relationships before you
became totally blind.
All of these gave you many advantages that Abdulah doesn't have. He is
new to this country. He is still learning to be proficient in english.
He is totally blind. So it is much more difficult for him to even
know what groups to join, let alone, to be integrated into these
groups. I don't know if there are people in his area of Texas who do
the kind of work that Sylvie does in Seattle, but that's who he needs
to connect with, someone who can help him become more proficient in
reading and speaking english and in finding entry into this society,
because being an immigrant and totally blind in a state which isn't
known for its welcoming attitudes toward people who aren't white
Christians, is really hard.

-----Original Message-----
From: blind-democracy-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:blind-democracy-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Carl Jarvis
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 10:08 AM
To: blind-democracy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [blind-democracy] Re: interesting article by blind

Abdulah, Miriam is correct. Blind people have an easier time finding
work in the social services field, and in particular with government
But that is not to say that we don't meet with prejudice and
ignorance...maybe that's the same thing. Something I used to promote
in my own Training Center, was the value of connecting with other people.
Volunteer in groups that have exposure to the sort of work you are
wanting to find. Join social action groups. Become involved in
political organizations, church groups, neighborhood work groups, any
sort of activity that is comfortable for you to join, will put you in
contact with people who will learn that your blindness is not going to
hold you back. I joined bowling leagues, social clubs, democratic
party politics and blind organizations in an effort to put myself
around people who might help me connect with a job. I campaigned for
a man who ran for Seattle City Council. He promised me a job, if he
won. Too bad he lost.
But seriously, I became known in my neighborhood. I ran and was
elected as precinct committeeman, I sold Fuller Brush door to door, I
rang doorbells for almost every fund raiser that came along. And
through my involvement in the Blind Organization, I met, among many
others, Ken Hopkins, and we became fast friends. When we succeeded
in the passage of our Commission for the Blind bill, Ken was hired as
director. He offered me a job. I took it.
I will admit that I had a job by that time, but working in Seattle,
organizing blind people, had more appeal than serving lunch to Spokane
County workers.
While I knew that I had the qualifications to do the work I did at the
Commission for the Blind, I would never have been hired by the past
administration. I had no college degree. I had organized opposition
to the inept administration. I could have been the last unemployed
man on Earth, and they would have hired a Cow.
But what I'm saying is that all of this activity, this volunteer work,
this joining and participating proved to people that I was competent,
despite being blind.
Of course we blind people will have more rejections, more doors
slammed in our faces, than sighted people. But withdrawing is only
going to make our lives more isolated. If I am rejected, I waste no
time being angry or hurt.
I turn my back on that closed door and head for the next one. I
advised students to seek out people with whom they could speak
frankly, asking what advice they would give to help find work. People
are often more than flattered by such requests.
There are far, far more opportunities than there are closed doors.
Carl Jarvis

On 8/27/15, Miriam Vieni <miriamvieni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

It's certainly true that there's discrimination against blind people.
That receptionist was wrong to tell a customer in advance that the
only massage therapist available is blind because she was allowing
the customer to refuse your services on the basis of his or her
prejudices. And it is certainly true that after I received my social
work degree, I had a great deal of difficulty finding a job. It isn't
only in the US that this happens. People all over the world have
fears and prejudices about blind people. But what I meant was that
even though it may be difficult, a blind person is more likely to get
a job as a social worker than in many other fields, certainly much
more likely than as a photographer.


-----Original Message-----
From: blind-democracy-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:blind-democracy-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of abdulah
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2015 6:07 AM
To: blind-democracy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [blind-democracy] Re: interesting article by blind

Hi Miriam and other list member

Miriam you sad this

can't she get work as a social worker?
you have to know that is not same in every state, every town,

things is different:

like my case, in some state and some town it is very easy get what
people want to, but for other people for some rizents is very hard.

Like me, I am lost any hop for any work, what ever I try its com
something to enable me to do:

even if I have so many training for some work or so on so on, jus one
examples when I took course for massage therapy and I have to do
round 300 hours intershift like practical on patient massage, when
some call to ask for massage or to see when he or she can com,

lady who work on front desk each time when some one call she say we
have one guy he is right now free but he is blind!
now when you have some one from other site phone and her it and he or
she didn't have contact with blind people then you can thinks what
reaction is it.
thru this course I learn something what I never didn't thinks that
can happen in USA and I have positive thinks about USA and people's
behave to blind people,

for that time I find out I was rung,

for that time I see how is very hard or almost impossible find job
for blind people or how much is stereo type to disable in USA.

we her talking jus for ordinal people as stereotype but more big
problem is on feel by education people who is job to help or who work
with blind people.

Carle make good exompool when he work for blind

and when was one senator in visit,
when sad you blind people should get what ever you want to, but next
time when was wotting for something about disable he was agenst that,
this is good sine how education people understand blind people and
when they are need to do something then this people do agenst blind
people good understanding.

abdulah hasic.

-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Jarvis
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 3:06 PM
To: blind-democracy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [blind-democracy] Re: interesting article by blind

Naturally I wondered the same thing. My guess would be that her
employer was eager to help her out of a job, and she was too
uninformed and traumatized to resist. From time to time we encounter
such people. They felt they could not do the job, even though blind
people were doing the same work elsewhere. By the time they are
referred to us, all doors have been closed.
As an old photographer myself, I would not consider pointing a camera
and clicking to be Art. But for someone with limited vision, someone
who can appreciate general shapes and patterns and shades, I'd say,
for it".
But if I were looking for a job that paid a living wage, I'd explore
ways of opening doors to the profession I'd been employed in prior to
vision loss.
Then photography would be a relaxing leisure time hobby.
My bet is that this woman lacks the self-confidence and the
information she needs to go back into her former field. I know many
blind people in the social services field who are making a decent
living. I know of none in photography making anything approaching a

Carl Jarvis

Carl Jarvis
On 8/26/15, Miriam Vieni <miriamvieni@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Why can't she get work as a social worker? That's one of the
professions that has been open to blind people. Well, open in a
limited fashion but it's ironic that she says her blindness stopped
her from being a social worker.
As for her photography, I'm glad she's enjoying it. I'm not sure
that what she's doing is art, but it's nice that she's having fun.


-----Original Message-----
From: blind-democracy-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:blind-democracy-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Carl
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 10:43 AM
To: blind-democracy
Subject: [blind-democracy] interesting article by blind photographer

We can let events get the best of us, like that "poor me" feeling
when we begin losing our sight, or we can make lemonade out of those
The following article is one about making lemonade. No, I'm not
suggesting that we all rush out and buy a camera. But we can stop
and look at those things that interest us. And we can explore ways
of modifying them so we can have that feeling of accomplishment that
author expresses.
Carl Jarvis


I'm a legally blind photographer. Here's how modern technology makes
that possible.

Tammy Ruggles
on July 13, 2015

I was declared legally blind 14 years ago, at the age of 40. I lost
my driver's license and my social work position, for which I had
earned a bachelor's and master's. It was my chosen profession, and I
didn't give it up lightly. When it disappeared, so did some of my
confidence and sense of identity. What was I to call myself if not a
social worker?

I ended up becoming a photographer.

The words "legally blind photographer" don't sound like they should
exist together. Indeed, until recently I didn't think this path was
available to me.
I'd always loved taking pictures, ever since I was a little girl,
snapping shots of my family and pets with the Kodak and Polaroid
cameras my mother always had around.

The author at age 5. (Tammy Ruggles)

But I was born with retinitis pigmentosa, a progressive blinding
disease that deteriorates the retinas over time. And with retinitis
pigmentosa comes night blindness, which meant I couldn't see in a
darkroom to use the chemicals and develop photos, nor could I read
the settings on a camera to shoot manually - all major problems in
the era before digital photography.
So as a teenager I decided, regretfully, to put my love of
photography in a box and leave it alone.

I didn't feel bitter about it. It was just another adjustment I had
to make given the vision problem I had.

The miracle of the digital camera

My condition didn't deter me from enjoying photography in my mind. I
read about photographers like Alfred Stieglitz and Ansel Adams, and
daydreamed about the kind of pictures I would make if I could - not
family snapshots with a disposable camera, but those on the fine
art, creative side of photography.
Maybe a mountain, or a snow-covered field, or an unusually shaped tree.
Definitely landscapes, because I'd grown up with rural scenery all
around me.

Then, in 2013, after I could no longer drive, practice social work,
or sketch drawings, I decided to turn my dream of being a
photographer into a reality.
I had heard so much about how easy point-and-shoot digital cameras
were, and I wanted to try one.

I still have some vision. "Legally blind" doesn't mean completely blind.
Each person's experience is different, but for me it means that
everything I see is extremely blurry - oddly enough, like a camera
lens that is turned so far out of focus that you can't distinguish a
person from a tree, or see where steps begin and end, or where the
restroom door is, or what a person's features look like. I see the
general blurry shape of things, and the closer I am to something,
the better I can determine what it is.

I still have some vision. Everything I see is very blurry - oddly
enough, like an out-of-focus camera lens.

When the camera arrived in the mail, it sat for days unopened. I was
afraid of what people might think or say: "A legally blind

The question I asked myself.

I lost social work. This would be just another thing to lose.

Self-doubt crept in.

But the idea wouldn't leave me alone. And so, with a little nudge
from my son - he actually took the first picture - I picked up the
camera and walked around my backyard with it, snapping the shutter
just to see what I could capture.

When I transferred the images to my 47-inch monitor, I was amazed at
what I couldn't see in my own backyard, but what my camera could:
purplish blueberries
in some brush. Wild pumpkins at the edge of the woods. Individual
brown leaves on a tree (it was fall of that year).

(Tammy Ruggles)

Not only could I take the kind of pictures I'd always wanted to
take, I could see things with my camera that I couldn't see without
it, like it's a second set of eyes. A double gift.

I didn't need a darkroom, because images are "developed" inside the
I didn't need to read the settings, because I had the camera set on

How I work

I take most of my photos outside, in black and white - I see best in
contrast, plus I've always admired the classic black-and-white style.
Sometimes I
move up close to something of interest while walking, hold the
camera about three or four inches away from it, and snap the shutter.

(Tammy Ruggles)

Other times, I literally point randomly in the direction of blurry
hills and vague shapes of trees, or whatever is out there in the
world, and take a picture.

(Tammy Ruggles)

With landscapes and nature, my vision doesn't have to be perfect. I
can be abstract and make mistakes.

(Tammy Ruggles)

People are more challenging to photograph. I can't tell if someone
is looking at the camera, or if I'm cutting off heads, or centering,
or if the lighting is right or wrong. I can capture someone in a
general way, or a natural way, or in a candid shot, but doing formal
portraits in a studio isn't for me.
I've tried it, but you need better vision to do it well.

Then comes the heart of my work: I take my camera home to my large
monitor to see what I've captured. There's a photography term called
"the decisive moment."
It means knowing when to snap the shutter at the perfect second. My
decisive moments come after I've taken the pictures, when I make my
selections on my big screen. I'm often surprised at the accidental
pictures, like a bird perched in a tree, or power lines that make
for an abstract composition.

(Tammy Ruggles)

I delete many more photos than I keep, and the ones I keep are the
ones I can see best -high contrast, simple composition, and subjects
I can make out fairly well.

I've never had formal photography classes, but I do use the art
education I've had in the past, as well as my years of sketching. I
also learn from my favorite photography "mentors" online, Ted Forbes
and Ibarionex Perello, who both teach the art of photography.

How my low vision affects my art - for the better

If my vision condition is an asset to me as a photographer, it's in
that it's helped define my style. I don't try to set up a photo or
have any preconceived notions about what the picture should look like.
I don't fret over how a shot should look beforehand.

I don't compare notes with other photographers with full vision,
because I already know that their approaches and techniques are
from mine.
They use a viewfinder, and can see details in the subject,
background, and environment they're shooting. They may adjust
settings to their taste.
I don't worry
about how other photographers work; I'm just happy to have found a
way to do my own work with a camera.

I can see things with my camera that I can't see without it, like
it's a second set of eyes

I don't agonize over my art. I snap pictures, then choose the ones I
If I don't have any from the day's shooting that I like, it's okay.
I can always take another picture. And when the day comes that I
can't take pictures this way anymore, because my vision has
deteriorated so much, then I will find a way for that to be okay,
too, because I have a collection of photos that I'm happy with.

I'd like to think that my photography is pretty or interesting, but
I can never really be sure unless someone tells me. I rely on
people's reactions.
It helps me to know how the photo makes others feel. I've had
reactions ranging from "bleak and dreary" to "beautiful." I accept
all of them, because I feel honored to be able to take photos. I've
learned that it's hard to stifle creativity, and that there is more
than one way to express yourself artistically.
I've learned that with the right technology and a shift in
perspective, people can do things they thought impossible.

Tammy Ruggles is a fine-art photographer in Kentucky. You can find
more of her work at her website.


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