[argyllcms] Re: tiffgamut feature request

  • From: Graeme Gill <graeme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2008 16:53:57 +1000

Klaus Karcher wrote:
There are several workarounds to circumvent this pitfall, but the most
convenient would be to use tiffgamut to calculate the set union of all
gamuts, e.g. with something like
"tiffgamut -s sequence/*.tif sequence.gam".

What do you think about it?

This request has cropped up a couple of times, and it's easy enough
to add. I'll make it so there it just uses the remaining arguments
as the list of tiff files, with the last file being used as the
basename for the resulting gamut file though.

Graeme Gill.

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