[argyllcms] Re: hplip printer driver and color management

  • From: Milan Knížek <knizek.confy@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2008 22:25:19 +0200

Hal V. Engel píše v Po 08. 09. 2008 v 10:10 -0700:

> I think the main consideration is that the total ink limit used for
> creating your targets and profiles should be slightly higher than the
> total ink limit setting used in gutenprint. This will result in 

That is what I would think, too.

However, I am not quite sure how you get the default or actual total ink
limit value - in gutenprint, there is default "none", while other values
are "custom" and scale from 0 to 7. Or is the % available in the source

Or should I simply create few dark patches with targen and TAC at 400%,
then print them out with gutenprint ink limit number starting from low
to high and measure the printed dark patches until I get the lowest "L"
from Lab, while still the print being fine visually (no over-inking).

Then to continue with targen using some high TAC down to low TAC,
measure the printed dark/saturated patches and once there will be a
change, consider the previous TAC % as the one close/equal to gutenprint

Best regards,

Milan Knizek
knizek (dot) confy (at) volny (dot) cz
http://www.milan-knizek.net - about linux and photography

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