[argyllcms] Re: What am I doing wrong now?

  • From: "Lars Tore Gustavsen" <lars.tore@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 11:42:48 +0100

On Jan 9, 2008 5:08 AM, Leonard Evens <> wrote:

> The ImageMagick convert command can convert from almost anything to
> almost anything else.  For example, I have produced .tif files from
> the .ps files produced by printtarg.  But when converting from a raster
> graphics format to postscript, it just incorporates the raster graphics
> in the postscript file.  No sophisticated raster to vector graphics is
> attempted.
> I actually printed the target .ps file using photoprint which accepts
> postscript files.  It uses gutenberg to print.  At one time I understood
> pretty much what gutenberg and cups did, but things have changed quite a
> bit since then.  Since my printer, an Epson 1280, is not a postscript
> printer, at some point raster data has to be sent to it, but I'm not
> sure when and how.
> Gimp also accepts postscript files which of course it changes internally
> to RGB pixels for editing.  So I could print from that also.  But I
> believe the only way at present for me to incorporate a print profile
> under Linux is to use photoprint.

Imagemagick, gimp, photoprint and I guess everything else in the free
software world use ghostscript for the rasterizing process. I
currently run gs (ghostscript directly) since  I feel I have more
control this way.   I think it is especially important with cinepaint,
I have of course learned this the hard way :-)

Here are some command you may find useful, and I think it's a good
Idea to add something like this to the printing section in
Scenarios.html too.

convert a RGB ps (or eps) to 16bit png
/usr/bin/gs  -sDEVICE=png48 -dNOPAUSE -r300
-sOutputFile=PrinterA%d.png  PrinterA.ps -c quit

Convert a CMYK ps(or eps) to 8bit tif
 /usr/bin/gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiff32nc
-sProcessColorModel=DeviceCMYK  -sOutputFile=PrinterB%d.tif
PrinterB.ps -c quit

and as usual the chossen devices over may require a ghostscript
upgrade. If you have an older choose psdcmyk(pdf file) for cmyk and
tiff24nc for rgb charts, as sDEVICE options.

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