[argyllcms] Re: What am I doing wrong now?

  • From: Graeme Gill <graeme@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2008 15:48:31 +1100

Leonard Evens wrote:

I had previously used targen to produce a file PrinterA.ps, which
contains colums A thru AD.  All columns but the last have 28 patches and
the last column AD has 24.

I'm not sure that will work. I recall fixing a problem with the
i1pro not coping with a short last strip a couple of snapshots ago,
and the fix was to pad the chart out to make them all equal.

and tried to follow instructions.  I was told to put the instrument in
the calibration cradle, which I did and after a while it was happy and
told me it was about to read strip A.   I wasn't sure of exactly how to
use the frame that came with the Eye One Pro,

Hmm. I guess the expectation on my part is that instructions come
with the instrument, but if it's not in a manual or a readme file
but tied up in their software I guess this may be an incorrect assumption.

> but I tried orienting the
print in it so that I could read the columns, one at a time. After some
fumbling around, I figured out that to read a strip I had to push the
trigger, wait for a beep and then scan.

Some guidance is at <file:///D:/src/argyll/doc/instruments.html#strip>,
and this covers your question below (although I will improve the explanation
in light of your confusion).

When I read column A, I got the message
Seem to have read strip pass AC rather than A!

I thought perhaps I was supposed to read row 1 instead of column A, so I
turned the print 90 degrees.

No, it's a warning message to guard against the most common
mistake when using strip instruments, reading the wrong strip!
It is not perfect however, so if you're sure you've read the
right strip, ignore the warning and continue. If you're not
sure, re-read the strip. It's possible that if you are reading
the wrong chart, or the device response is quite different to
what is expected, you may get this warning quite often.
If you feed a previously created profile for that device into
targen (if you have one), then erroneous warnings like this are less likely.

Graeme Gill.

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