[access-uk] Re: Apple iOS 9.3.5 Has A Nasty Surprise

  • From: Shaun <capricorn8159@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: access-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2016 12:05:10 +0100

Pardon My sarcasm here on the aple issue but Apples"fix" will be to advise customers to upgrade, rather then restrospectively address the issue because, its not the only problem bugging Aopple products. the iphone 6 and ucts , the iphone 6s have a serious hardware issue which , over time causes the touch screen to become non responsive. Apple say the" don't have a solution for that issue" however a company in the US called ifixit dues have a potential solution and have identified the most likely cause of the problem, essentially a design weaakness was introduced in the 6 series iphones principally the metal sheilding which protected the touch chip has ben replaced with a flimsy peel back coverng and the chip was also poorly seated..

The following article may be of interest..


On 05/09/2016 08:14, Steve Nutt wrote:

Hi all,

If you are on one of the older iOS devices, that won’t get iOS 10, this is pretty nasty.


Let’s hope Apple fix the bug retrospectively.

All the best


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