[56raf_firebirds] Re: DCS

  • From: 56RAF_phoenix <phoenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: 56raf_firebirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 9 May 2021 10:52:44 +0100

On 08/05/2021 21:31, Colin (Redacted sender bart_56 for DMARC) wrote:

You need to enable motion smoothing,...

Yes, that's on my list for trying today. It's really the only explanation for how people think they're getting 90 Hz. Reprojection is probably not a big deal for Cold War combat, you don't get that close very often.

I'm half thinking about getting the WMR Beta (and SteamVR Beta, which I think is what I've got as it's default) too.

On il2, I've a horrible feeling I'm having to decide between between two minima (or maxima for framerates), the one I'm in now is high MSAA & low resolution & everything else, the other is high resolution but no AA at all.

If I'm right that the CPU load and CPU-to-GPU bandwidth are the low framerate drivers, then I suspect Clouds might be the killer issue. That ~2 second cloud twitching probably means the entire cloud geometry gets updated at that frequency which would kill the CPU-to-GPU data transfer.


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