[SI-LIST] Re: Looking for IBIS model of PCI diode terminator

  • From: "Ingraham, Andrew" <a.ingraham@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <si-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 10:47:42 -0400

> I'm looking for an IBIS model for a "standard" PCI diode terminator.
> Something like a KOA DN5 series, IRC QDN001 or Cal Micro PACDN005.  None
> the vendors supply an IBIS model.  Can anyone point me to one?

Since IBIS models are behavioral, you could construct your own IBIS model
for a PCI clamp diode that barely meets the PCI specs.  It may not behave
like any particular vendor's clamp diode does, but it won't be any worse
than vendor A's IBIS model is at modeling vendor B's diode.  And given the
state of many IBIS models on the web today, your model might even be better
than theirs.  Plus you'll be more likely to "play" with it and learn
something about IBIS models.


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