[sanniolug] Re: Tip: terminale

  • From: Massimiliano Mirra <mmirra@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sanniolug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 10:56:16 +0200

barrav <barrav@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

>> Una rapida occhiata al wiki di ion mostra che le due soluzioni sono:
>> ricompilarsi xterm invertendo la patch che creava il baco
> Puoi darmi quanlche info in più su questo secondo metodo?
> Se non è troppo difficile, mi ricompilo xterm.

Some times my Terminal doesn't start with the right size.

Yes, this is a known problem.

It's a race condition in the original xterm code, which was forked by
most other terminal emulators, so it's present in many other terminals
too.  It was fixed in xfree86 cvs around the end of August 2001, and
broken again in the middle of September 2001. The patch that fixed it
is here: http
and the patch that broke it is here: http http://
fix xterm, you can compile it yourself after manually reversing the
second patch. I've confirmed that that fix works on both Solaris and
Linux using xterm patch level 166, and I suspect it will fix newer
versions as well. Other terminal emulators might be fixed the same
way, or might not, depending on how far they've diverged from xterm or
whether they duplicated the same bug without sharing code.

It happens that running resize after an term is started will fix it
for that instance, but that's not a good solution because ion often
runs terms with things in them other than shells, and you can't run
resize automatically if the thing running in the term isn't a shell.

If you can't or don't want to patch your xterm you could also try
mlterm: http http://mlterm.sourceforge.net/ It works just fine with
ion and also gives you Xft support and other nice features.
Debian-users just type: apt-get install mlterm

> Tra l'altro, se riesco a risolvere 'sto bachetto di ion, riesco a
> risolvere un bel problema che mi affligge quando tento di compilare
> latex in una finestra, avendo aperta vicino un'altra finestra con il
> .dvi.

Che problema?

Hai gv -watch?

>> 2) Permette di attivare l'anti alias!
> Solitamente cerco di rifuggere dall'antialiasig.
> Per ora non è ancora perfetto, e mi trovo a meraviglia con i caratteri
> 9x15 di xterm, (tra l'altro a spaziatura costante).

Be', un terminale a spaziatura variabile è una contraddizione.  Invece
i miei occhi stanno apprezzando il lato antialias non poco. :-)

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