[sac-forum] Re: Observing Awards

  • From: Chuck Akers <akersc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: sac-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 06:17:32 -0800 (PST)

Don?t we already do this to some extent?  I know that we offer awards to 
members and non-members for Messier Marathon, which incidentally was my first 
SAC award before I was a member.  I had no objection to paying SAC for the 
engraved brass plate and soon after, I paid my new membership dues.  


I think everyone has some very good points; we really don?t want to let this 
get out of hand and I wouldn?t suggest advertising it.


Until now, have we really had very many non-member award requests?  


Personally I?m proud to be a member of an organization that?s so widely 
recognized.  My hat's off to those volunteers who put in the effort and make 
things happen.  Ultimately I feel that the decision rests with the volunteer 
who does the work, but I wouldn?t feel good about refusing to grant an award to 
someone who maybe doesn?t have a club, yet meets all the requirements 
otherwise.  Who knows, we may even gain another valuable member.

Just my opinion?  



AJ Crayon <acrayon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This evening I got an e-mail from someone, out of state, that is
interested in participaing in SAC observing and award programs. I see
nothing wrong with anyone using any of our programs for their observing
enjoyment; in fact it should be taken as a compliment.

The question comes up with the award to a non SAC member. My position
is to make this award possible, but not at SACs expense. We, I, SAC
would charge them some nomial fee to cover the cost of the plate and,
perhaps, part of all of the shipping.

Of course, they would have to send in the observations and remittance
for review before ordering and sending the award.

I'd like some discussion here in preparation for the next Bored meeting
for us to make a final decision.

Clear skies,

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