[sac-forum] Re: Observing Awards

  • From: "Joe Macke" <joe01@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <sac-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 05:27:42 -0700

>The question comes up with the award to a non SAC member.

I kind of like the potential of enhancing the club's profile by providing
awards to a wider community.  Since our database is already fairly widely
used, it seems natural that we might provide observing awards.  This would
also encourage observing programs among people who don't have a local club
to join or that don't have programs.

I'm also cognizant of the pitfalls Steve mentioned (quoted here since he
replied to the -board list):

> What happens when AJ or Jack don't want to do the work of providing the
out of state awards anymore?
> Is there going to be someone else to take their place?
> How much do we charge?  Should the club make a small profit?

I have some suggestions.

1. The non-club awards would only be a certificate.  Lower cost.
2. We could create a non-resident membership with reduced dues (since most
of our dues are for room rental and insurance, non-resident members would
most likely not impact these costs.)  Then we wouldn't have non-member
awards.  This might also be implemented as a one-time donation to the club
for anyone wishing to participate in the observing programs.
3. We could require that non-member applications for awards be certified by
an officer of another club.  This would reduce the workload issue.  This
doesn't really help those with no local club.
4. We could give non-member awards only to those where there is no local
club.  This would, again, reduce the workload, but I don't know how we'd
decide there was no local club.
5. We could implement some program on a trial basis and see how big a
problem it becomes for AJ and Jack.

If we offer non-member awards, we probably need to consider the
international aspect of payment.  If we implement PayPal on the web site,
this wouldn't be an issue.  I wouldn't have a problem with the club making a
small profit

I'm for it as long as the award administrators are.

Clear Skies,

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