[rollei_list] Re: Veterans' Day/Armistice Day/Remembrance Day

  • From: Don Williams <dwilli10@xxxxxxx>
  • To: rollei_list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 16:27:19 -0600

At 03:52 PM 11/11/2008, Marc Small you wrote, in part:
In any event, I hope that all will honor this day for what it means, a memorial to those who spent so much of themselves in wars. I am not suggesting that wars are logical or that war is a desirable part of life but, as has been noted, (Aescylus, perhaps? Daniel probably can pin the citation down.), "only the dead have seen the end of war".

Marc, very good post and I applaud your post and your military associations. My wife's father was a Marine Corps fighter pilot and was involved in WW II and some subsequent scientific support missions. He was also on ready status during the Cuban crises- I hope we don't have another one coming up. There are indeed rumblings that Russia (or whatever they are called these days) has some intent to link back up with Cuba, including the notion of putting nuclear-carrying bombers there.

As for me, I served on a ship in the navy, just at the end of the Korean war, as part of my NROTC commitment. I was never shot at, never in harms way (well that's not quite true, I almost got our destroyer sliced in two by a Carrier during a radar blackout exercise, but the carrier saw us and turned her deck lights on. What a sight, I could see the bow and right down the flight deck! No one ever said a word about that). We used to do what they called "Formosa Patrol", which was intended to tell the Chinese that we would side with the then Formosa.

In any case I take advantage of the VA hospital system and will probably continue to do so because my co-pay for meds is so high with the other program I am in. I do, however, feel sort of guilty whenever I go there because there are so many folks with missing limbs, or in seriously bad mental states. Whenever I mention this to the docs or other patients, they say I served and should therefore be served in return, so I continue to go.

The good thing is that the VA hospitals have created a special emotional support group for the guys who have served in Iraq.

Go in peace,


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