[pythonvis] Re: Workbench?

  • From: "Jeffrey Thompson" <jthomp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <pythonvis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2015 17:43:47 -0400

Jim and other pythonistas,

There is a way to get a listing of (some of?) the methods
and properties of a class:

class wannabe()


def changehow(a_change):


# end change_how):()

# end class wannabe


will provide a list of methods and properties.

There is no selectable window from which you can launch or view any item
listed in the output..

I know this works in the interpreter i.e. cmd.exe python.exe gets you into
the interpreter.

From there you can import any given class , and type the expression:

import Any_given_class


and you will get a listing of methods and properties.

of the class.

The output is in a strange format.

You might want to write a method or function which will read the output and
produce a window with a list of the output which are clickable,.

I believe that an html combo box in windows will work.

You could run a .bat file to do the work;

one .bat file to create the combo box,

and one combo box to fetch the item for your perusal or to copy and paste
the code into your python file which is a work in progress.

Someone on the list may have a different way to accomplish
this in an easier or better way.

Hope that helps,

Jet (Jeffrey Thompson)

From: pythonvis-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:pythonvis-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Jim Snowbarger
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 12:08 AM
To: pythonvis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [pythonvis] Workbench?

Hi guys,

What I want is to start typing a reference, and maybe get through the
objectName. Tap the period key, and then pull up a list of methods and
properties that are available on that object, and presss enter to choose one
to use in my code. Is there something like that for python?

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