Re: compilers in edSharp

  • From: "Alex Hall" <mehgcap@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 10:42:58 -0400

I was playing with autoit and edsharp just yesterday. F5 just speaks "returning" and does nothing, with the setting for the compiler on default. I tried adding my own autoit option to the ini file but am not sure how to tell the script runner to use the currently open file's path as its argument. For example, the autoit code might be

Run("c:\program files\autoit3\autoit3.exe "&@ScriptDir&"\"&@ScriptName)
or something similar (my quotes and macros seem messed up). How would you do this in the ini file? Thanks.

Have a great day,
New email address: mehgcap@xxxxxxxxx
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jamal Mazrui" <empower@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Blind Programming List" <programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: compilers in edSharp

Thanks, Alex that's useful feedback.

One thing I'm trying to figure out is how much of this is an EdSharp
issue and how much is an issue that would be faced using any
text/programming editor rather than an IDE.  For example, if one uses
TextPad for Java programming, what is necessary to configure in order to
compile and debug within TextPad?  I added a dialog in EdSharp
(Control+E) to help make setting the Windows PATH environment variable
easier.  Since EdSharp does not know where a compiler is installed, and
its location can change with different compiler versions, it seems like
adding the compiler directory to the Windows search path is generally
preferable to including a direct, complete path to a compiler directory
or executable.

Regarding AutoIt, I think its installer does associate .au3 files with
the AutoIt.exe interpreter, so from within EdSharp, you can just press
F5 to run an AutoIt program.  If there is an error, the interpreter
presents a message box indicating where the problem is.

Regarding C#, I did provide a simple example once on the list in
response to a question about using the command-line compiler with
EdSharp.  The directory containing csc.exe does need to be on the
Windows search path.  If anyone else has not been able to get that
compiler to work with EdSharp, even after the environment variable
adjustment, let me know.

Regarding JavaScript, that is a more challenging problem because of the
web browser environment.  JScript .NET code may be compiled like other
.NET languages with EdSharp, but I don't know of a good way to handle
JavaScript in the browser for debugging with EdSharp interactively.

I may be able to write a utility that adds the directory of the .NET 2.0
SDK to the Windows search path.  That may ease configuring .NET
development with EdSharp.  I'll look into it.

Keep the ideas and feedback coming!

On Thu, 10 Sep 2009, Alex
Hall wrote:

Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 09:31:58 -0400
From: Alex Hall <mehgcap@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: Blind Programming List <programmingblind@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: compilers in edSharp

I know the configurations are there, but I think the problem comes when you do not have the compiler already. I did not have java, but when I installed the jdk, it still took forever to figure out how to get Edsharp to run java code, and c# never worked, even though in both cases I had everything on the search path I thought I needed. Maybe automating the search path process; if I give Edsharp the path to the compiler, it can do the rest? Not sure, just
tossing it out there. Also, I would like to see support for AutoIt. What
about the ability to run javascript on a webpage you are writing and see
errors? I don't know how that would work because of how Javascript runs,
but, again, just tossing it out there.

Have a great day,
New email address: mehgcap@xxxxxxxxx

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