-=PCTechTalk=- Re: KeyBoard Cowboy

  • From: Keyboard Cowboy <KBCowboy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <pctechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2007 21:01:02 -0400

My distance vision is just fine.  When I wear sunglasses, I don't get 
prescription glasses...no need to.   For golf, I don't like to wear any 
not even regular sunglasses.  I do need glasses to read, though, or else I have 
to go to an arm stretcher <chuckle>  Since I've worn glasses all my life, I 
go ahead and wear progressive bifocals all the time.  I'm not vain about 
glasses, I'm past that age <G>

 Bob -- the "Keyboard Cowboy"
            Cincinnati, OH -- Scottsdale, AZ
 Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see.

 -- William Newton Clark


On Sat, 28 Jul 2007 07:48:25 -0400, Cris wrote:

|  That is the best news yet!
|  I know my hubby would be totally lost if he couldn't play 'his'
|  golf game.  After he had his eyes done he said it was good for his
|  golf game - that is one reason he had the lasix. Question - you
|  could still take off your glasses and carry them around if you
|  wanted to? Your distance vision in your glasses is just plain
|  lense? I'd be very tempted to do that if I got lasix done. I've
|  worn glasses since I was 5. Cris ----- Original Message -----
|  From: Keyboard Cowboy To: pctechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Sent: Friday,
|  July 27, 2007 8:59 AM Subject: -=PCTechTalk=- Re: KeyBoard Cowboy
|  It's really good to be able to see everything.  At one point in
|  this nine month journey, I wondered if I would ever get my vision
|  back to normal.  I've worn glasses all my life so I decided to
|  just get progressive bifocals for reading and wear the glasses all
|  the time, rather than carry reading glasses everywhere. Now I can
|  relearn my golf game and begin competitive shooting again!! Life
|  is good. d;^D
|  Regards,
|  Bob -- the "Keyboard Cowboy"
|  ,,,,,,
|  Ô¿Ô¬'
|  ----------->========>-----------
|  Cincinnati, OH -- Scottsdale, AZ
|  ----------->========>-----------
|  Courage is the greatest of all the virtues. Because if you haven't
|  courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others.
|  -- Samuel Johnson (1709-1784) English Author
|  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
|  On Thu, 26 Jul 2007 19:53:22 -0700, Tech Rose - LoveBytes wrote:
| |  Awesome!
|  |
| |  I am so thrilled to hear that....
| |  Hugs,
| |  Rose
| |  ----- Original Message -----
| |  From: "Keyboard Cowboy"
| |  To:
| |  Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 7:22 PM
| |  Subject: -=PCTechTalk=- Re: KeyBoard Cowboy
|  |
|  |
| | |  They are great Judith - thank you for asking.   I just got
| | |  my new pair of glasses...........bifocals so I can read.  My
| | |  vision is almost 20/20 uncorrected. Regards,
| | |
| |  |
| | |  Bob -- the "Keyboard Cowboy"
| | |  ,,,,,,
| | |  Ô¿Ô¬'
| | |  ----------->========>----------- Cincinnati, OH --
| | |  Scottsdale, AZ
| | |
|  --
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