-=PCTechTalk=- Re: Double dutch in e-mails ?

  • From: "Wyatt M. Portendt" <nunyabidness6@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: pctechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2002 11:38:58 -0500

It has something to do with the end of line character that your email=
 program uses.  Some mail servers strip some of these, although I'm not=
 sure why.  Whatever it is, when it's doing it and I type the sign in=
 question, then it shows that 3D thingee.  Probably, if I typed =3D=3D=
 (double equal signs), then it would show just the =3D=3D sign.  I won't=
 know, though , until I see this one.  <G>  I may have stumbled onto a fix,=
 again, I won't know until it goes. 


On 10/19/2002 at 11:10 AM a whisper was heard, and the one known as=
 SandiBeach was rumoured to have uttered....

          |  This is strange.  My message on my machine shows
          |  just the equal sign--no 3D
          |  but on your message which included mine it showed =3D3D.
          |  It seems that what I send is not always what the other guy
          |  sees.  Have my
          |  previous posts in HTML had any strange characters on them?
          |  Sandi
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