RE: Oracle 13

  • From: Iggy Fernandez <iggy_fernandez@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "tanel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <tanel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "oraclealchemist@xxxxxxxxx" <oraclealchemist@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 11:13:15 -0800

re: Oracle XIII: Return of Investment
Norgaard’s First Law is “Whenever something reaches a state of perfection, 
i.e., where it becomes stable and very productive (in other words, saves time 
and money and effort), it will be replaced by something more chaotic.” (Q2 2006 
issue of the ODTUG Technical Journal).
Another Mogenism: Since Oracle 7.3, that fantastic database has had pretty much 
everything normal customers need. (August 2011 issue of the NoCOUG Journal The full quote in context 
is: "Since Oracle 7.3, that fantastic database has had pretty much everything 
normal customers need. It has become more and more fantastic; it has amazing 
features that are light years ahead of competitors—and fewer and fewer are 
using the database as it should be used (they’re using it as a data dump, as 
Tom Kyte said many years ago), so the irony is that as the database approaches 
a state of nirvana (stability, scalability, predictability, diagnosability, and 
so forth—fewer and fewer are using it as it should be used (in my view), and 
more and more are just dumping data into it and fetching it."
I disagree with what Mogens said about Oracle Database having pretty much 
everything normal customers need. Here is my wishlist for Oracle Database XIII.
Right on top of my list and easiest for Oracle to do is query plan stability 
using actual query plans (not a collection of hints) and avoiding 
re-optimization (unless the plan becomes invalid). Either by using shared 
libraries like IBM DB2, linking them into the kernel like VoltDB, or attaching 
them to queries like Microsoft SQL Server. 
All functionally equivalent queries should have the same query execution plan.
Sharding, replication, and failover capabilities that are as performant and 
easy to use as those offered by NoSQL products.
Eliminate the decades-long confusion between logical and physical. CREATE TABLE 
should not mean a physical segment. Denormalization becomes a good thing when 
physical is docoupled from logical. Store as BLOB, CLOB, RAW, XML, or JSON and 
present as normalized relational. Better performance for nested tables; that 
is, they should be stored inline not out-of-line and referential integrity 
should be supported. It should be possible to store tables in multiple ways 
simultaneously: e.g. IOT, hash cluster, table cluster, heap. An index is a 
table projection so it should be posible to store a particular in multiple ways 
simultaneously, Btree, hash cluster, table cluster, and even heap. Materialized 
views should be fast refreshable on commit without requiring a "JI" lock (if an 
index can be updated without a JI lock, then why not a materialized view)
Support for CREATE ASSERTION. Already available in the guise of materialized 
views but requires a JI lock so unscalable.
Close the write-skew gap in support for serializable transactions (Postgres has 
done it
No bugs
Unbreakable (no bugs)
But if wishes were horses, I would ride.
Happy Wednesday everybody.

Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2014 12:12:56 -0600
Subject: Re: Oracle 13
From: tanel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: oraclealchemist@xxxxxxxxx
CC: patrice.boivin@xxxxxxxxx; oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Along these lines, maybe Oracle XIII: Return of Investment ? :-)
On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Steve Karam <oraclealchemist@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have some suggestions:
Star Wars Style Naming:Oracle XIII: Return of the StandbyOracle XIII: A New 

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