[opendtv] Re: Math of oversampling

  • From: Bob Miller <bob@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 16:02:34 -0400

Mark Schubin wrote:

>>If a broadcaster uses a 1080p camera and broadcast as 480P and on the 
>>reception end it is upconverted to 720P or stays 480P I understand that 
>>because of oversampling both the 720P or 480P image would be better than 
>>otherwise would be expected. What I would like to do is quantify this 
>>value. How would you compare a straight thru 720P broadcast to one such 
>>as that above. Would the 1080P>480P>720P route be 75% of the quality of 
>>the 720P>720P>720P route? Would 1080P>480P>480P be 110% of 480P>480P>480P?
>The calculable quality is not betterness but potential sharpness.  The 
>psychovisual sensation of sharpness is proportional to the square of the 
>area under a modulation-transfer-function (MTF) curve, a curve plotting 
>contrast ratio against detail fineness.  There are many factors 
>contributing to the function (lens, aperture, etc.), but, for the 
>purposes of your question, two "all-else-being-equal" (meaning an HD 
>lens on an SD camera)  factors will affect the sharpness: the number of 
>samples in the imaging chip and the optical low-pass filtering.  Even 
>dealing with just the former involves significant math:
>I understand that I can't include attachments on this list server, but, 
>if anyone wants a diagram of the various contributions to MTF, contact 
>me directly, and I'll send it.  It's only about 70 KB.
Yes please I would like the diagram and anything else you have that is 
on the subject.


Bob Miller
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