[networkku] WoW

  • From: PAUL HUSE <HUSE@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'networkku@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <networkku@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 08:24:17 -0500

I've been dinking in WoW and it's pretty slick. They had some server issues
this weekend (e.g. water in their server rooms????? Ack) or I'd have played

Quests are nice. Buying spells is nice. Graphics rock. Being a noob again is
kinda fun. Not being able to see in the dark sux.

I agree to the statements of Az/Aiko... it's very cool. But Blizzard has had
a known history of having its games royally hacked. D1/D2 are prime
examples. If you wanna play that game, I'll hack some uber-pimp warrior with
duplicated gear and go lay waste to the lands. Part of what I like in EQ is
knowing that the level 65 toon next to me either played hard core to get to
that level or paid good $$ to buy a toon from someone that did. Imagine if
1/2 the guild was walking around with PoTime pieces before we had flags...
and that the day OoW was open we all had the spells and end-game gear.

I look to see if Blizzard can keep the hackers at bay. 


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