[lit-ideas] Re: ye olde political mindset

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 05 Aug 2006 13:51:40 -0400

>>Granted [a visceral revulsion to the
death of civilians] makes us puppets to the propaganda efforts of the Hez, but what does that matter?"

Phil: This is a silly thing to say. I fail to see how a visceral response to the deaths of innocent Israeli civilians makes one a puppet to the efforts of Hezbollah.

Eric: I was being silly, but not in that way. The Hez blends with civilians and places its military sites in civilian areas. Then when a quasi-military site like Cana gets bombed, it's presented as entirely Israel's fault. In fact the blame is entirely on the Hez for putting the people they putatively represent in harm's way.

Thus, a visceral response to the deaths of Lebanese civilians may make us puppets of the Hez propaganda crew. We are more prone to support an immediate end to the fighting first, thus limiting the damage to the Hez, and allowing the Hez to keep their southern Lebanese territory.

Consider how difficult the ground war has been for Israel. It recalls the island-hopping battles of the US in the Pacific: slow and bloody attrition against dug-in zealots.

To imagine that an international force could eliminate the infestation--without the Israeli motivation of stopping rocket attacks on their own country-- is a bit of a stretch. And to prematurely place the territory under control of an unmotivated force is to invite a repeat of the same crisis.

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