[lit-ideas] Re: Theory of democracy...

  • From: Andy Amago <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 17:56:13 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Paul <Robert.Paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Aug 26, 2004 4:23 PM
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Theory of democracy...

*I think we're clearly in agreement. Of course it's possible to verify voting
numbers fairly precisely. Was this ever an issue? (I wonder though--why is it a
_problem_ that few vote? Would I trust all of my fellow citizens to vote
sensibly? No. The only reason I can think of for encouraging a larger turnout is
that we have a de facto oligarchy that I'd like to see defeated.)

A.A.  It won't be a problem as long as the ACLU and other watchdog 
organizations stay on the lookout and do the job that the electorate for the 
most part doesn't want to be bothered with.  Take care of them, and they [the 
masses] will be fine.

Andy Amago commented ultimately:

I suspect Robert Paul has a higher opinion of humanity than I have.

*Unlikely. I have no opinion of 'humanity.' To have an opinion of 'humanity'
strikes me as either a cynical pose or a romantic delusion. Depending.

A.A. Then consider me a deluded cynic, posing in my underwear.  Maybe I need an 
attitude adjustment, but my opinion of most people, a/k/a "humanity", is out in 
my garage, stuck to the bottom of my shoe.  I really have a low opinion of 
people.  All people do is wage war, whether the violence is in the form of 
gossip or invading a country, drawing blood.  Humans consider themselves 
superior to animals when in fact their behavior is exactly on par with any 
four-footed predator.  You ask, is this not a mighty broad brush? All people 
are evil?  Yes, I answer, all people are evil.  The only reason most aren't 
overtly evil is because they're stopped by laws.  

I'm surprised that you would call me a romantic.  That is the last thing I 
would have called myself.  Cynic, possibly deluded, but definitely genuine.

Andy Amago

Robert Paul
Reed College
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