[lit-ideas] Re: The US Army in mutiny?

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2006 22:54:20 -0400

But you're giving Rumsfeld a "pass" until...when?

Oh...about a minute and forty-three seconds.

Until what his enemies say can be put in perspective. Until the changes he's put in place can be confidently evaluated.

I consider myself a hawkish liberal Democrat. As such I think my cause is best served by arguing how the war may be fought more effectively by a Democrat. Bashing the Secretary of Defense is beside the point. If the Democrats can't claim efficiencies, the bashing will just look like complaining and they'll lose again.

But still, why do I "honor Rumsfeld with
believing in his veracity"?

First of all, because Rumsfeld is old guard GOP apparatchik. If he just wanted to cash in, he could sit it all out on various boards of major corporations, pulling down huge sums with a company jet. Look at the man. He's a fossil. He comes from a more honorable dirty trick segment of the great Crooked Time that is politics. He wants to do this. He has all the money he needs, and is probably reckoning his "legacy" issues.

Second...how much veracity do you really expect? Why should giving someone a pass be such a big deal? What is it that's getting "a pass"? Not that much. Think of Defense Secretaries from McNamara to Rummy. There are things you know you know and things you know you don't know, but the things you don't know that you don't know...

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