[lit-ideas] Re: The SCUD in a Box Scenario

  • From: Eric <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 15:19:44 -0500

“SCUD in a Box.”

I read about this scenario a couple years ago, and mentioned it here. Also mentioned that it might cause a sudden spasm attack, in which the US (now run by a lower-level official operating with limited info in a state of chaos) decides to turn every Muslim nation into glass.

It would take months before the cause of the attack could be determined. In the meantime, a billion people or more might die. And it could escalate into general nuclear war easily, especially given the degraded Russian satellite lookdown capacity that could misinterpret our spasm attack.

That scenario has been on my mind every time I write about the necessity of preventing Iran from going nuclear.

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