[lit-ideas] Re: The Religious Right Isn't What It Used to Be

  • From: "Andreas Ramos" <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 28 Oct 2007 21:38:42 -0700

Given that the part of the religious spectrum that runs from mainstream to
atheism flourishes best when people feel comfortable with themselves and the
world they inhabit, the sort of economic prospects that Andreas describes
here could be just the soil that the next great wave of revivalism needs to

The hypercapitalism and excessive technology of China and other Asian countries may be what sets off the next wave of spirituality. But it probably won't be Christian.

I would, however, be cautious about a meme--the rise of reason and decline of religion--that has been around at least since the enlightenment...

Whereas the rest of the world has become more rationalist, since the 80s the US has suffered a resurrgence of irrationalism in religion, tarot, astrology, various cults, and so on. The rightwing personality cults are also irrationalist.

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