[lit-ideas] Re: Sustaining our Resolve

  • From: jimkandjulieb@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 20:54:00 -0400

 Two questions for the list:
1) Iraq is in obvious Civil War.  Why is the media in such denial about it?  
"on the verge of", "having the potential for"....  so that Bush doesn't have to 
say damn, we didn't take democracy to Iraq, we created Civil War?
2)  How many of you think that the ultimate (in 2, 3 years?) settling down of 
the dust in Iraq will be in essence three countries -- a Sunni country, a 
Shiite country, and  Kurdish country?
Julie Krueger
having watched the Tower movie this afternoon.....very difficult and honest 
movie to watch (cried through most of it) but came away from it glad I had seen 
it and with some (unexpectedly) very positive feelings.  I'll write more about 
the movie later or tomorrow.  It was kind of emotionally draining.  And btw and 
never DID get Phil (or was it Paul)'s review of the film!
-----Original Message-----
From: andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 1:38 PM
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Sustaining our Resolve

From: "Lawrence Helm" <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 
> 1) We removed a Militant Islamic enemy, one who harbored terrorists, 
one who practiced his pan-Arabism by invading one of our allies, one who 
desired, acquired and used WMDs, and one who has supported terrorist 
What a string of false facts. We removed a secular dictator. Saddam had nothing 
to do with al-Qaeda; they hated each other because they were on opposing sides 
(secular vs. Islamic fundamentalists). The WMDs he had in the 80s were given to 
him by the USA. By cluelessly removing him (Bush didn't know about Shiites and 
Sunni), we collapsed a govt that opposed Iran. Iran thus gained power in Iraq 
because the Shiite are the majority. The result: Iran won the war and we are in 
a hell of a mess. Prognosis: The USA will be pushed out of the Middle East, 
just as the jihad pushed the USSR out. As for Israel, well... By invading Iraq, 
we lost the entire Middle East. 
> 2) We enhanced our posture vis a vis the war on terror by showing 
certain nations, especially Saudi Arabia that we were more formidable than 
Saddam Hussein who claimed victory (and was believed in the Middle East) 
after the first gulf war 
The US Secretary of State was thrown out of Lebanon. The Arab world sees that 
the USA is unable to hold Iraq. This is very bad news for the govts in Saudi 
Arabia, Egypt, etc. 
We are no longer in charge of Iraq. The American forces are in their bunkers, 
waiting for Bush to figure out how to withdraw. 
The Arab world also knows Bush was behind the destruction of Lebanon, the only 
Arab democracy. 
The US posture in the Arab world is at its lowest point EVER. Can it get worse? 
Oh, yes. Bush is preparing to attack Iran. That'll be fun: they'll lose 
everything, from Morocco to Indonesia. But hey, they can blame it on lesbian 
ballroom dancers! 
> 3) We held Saddam to account for the UN violations -- justifiably 
ignoring the stone-walling of France and Russia we now know were in cahoots 
with Saddam. They had promised to stop the US in the Security Council. 
France & Russia were the chief beneficiaries in the Oil for Food UN Scandal 
and made promises to Saddam they couldn't keep. 
Nonsense. The show trial is still dragging on. It's obvious why. 
> 4) We showed other Militant Islamic nations that we meant what we said 
about going after our Militant Islamic enemies. Pakistan had already agreed 
to cooperate as a result of our resolution in Afghanistan. Lebanon declared 
that we had rescued them from Syrian domination by our actions in Iraq. 
Qhadaffi in Libya decided to relinquish his nuclear weapons. 
See my reply to #2. 
> 5) We removed most of the bases that Al Quaeda might use for staging 
operations: Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and north Lebanon were gone to them. 
South Lebanon is now in jeopardy as is much of Pakistan. Our actions in 
Afghanistan and Iraq were extremely effective in combating Al Quaeda. 
The CIA unit in charge of pursuing al Qaeda has been disbanded. 
The Bush White House NEEDS al Qaeda. As long as there is an Islamofascist 
terrorist organization, the Bushies can cover up their blunders by pointing to 
the paper wolf and screaming they will defend us and denoucing its enemies. 
> 6) Al Qaeda's commitment to fighting us in Iraq permits us to reduce 
their numbers directly. 
"Al Qaeda in Iraq" was a disinformation campaign by the US military against the 
American people. They created a fake threat in order to justify the war. 
> 7) We have succeeded in setting up a Democratic government in Iraq 
that has had elections and been confirmed. 
This one is very funny. The majority (60%) of the killing in Iraq is by the 
Shiite militias, i.e., the Iraqi government that we set up. 
> 8) We have developed and trained the Iraqi Army such that it can 
handle external threats and internal threats of any foreseeable size. 
And yes, dear Lawrence, they are doing just that. They are murdering the Sunni 
Arabs. 60% of the killing. 
> 9) We are working on developing the Iraqi police such that they can 
handle internal criminal matters. 
You want to raise 60% to 80%? 
> 10) We have done all this with a casualty count much lower than virtually 
any major war we've ever been involved in. 
You're comparing apples to oranges. Combat against Nazi Germany was mechanized 
land warfare. The situation in Iraq is considered a "police situation", where 
the military acts as a police force, supervising the population. It is not a 
We are losing 2.2 US soldiers per day in Iraq. This is low is because the US 
military is hiding in its bunkers. If they venture out, they get shot by "our 
democratic government" that we installed in Iraq. 
Yes, it's low, because we are avoiding losses in Iraq due to US internal 
politics. You take a disaster and convert it into a success. 
> (To Irene) Your articles are anti-American and pro-Islamic. Now there's 
> nothing wrong > with that. We don't have laws punishing treason in the US 
> anymore so I guess you are home > free. You side with Militant Islam and I 
> side with America -- no big deal. If my answers > don't meet your 
> anti-American, pro-Islamist criteria, however: tough. 
Anyone who disagrees with Lawrence's fantasies about race war is committing 
Lawrence, as I showed above, literally everything you say is disconnected from 
reality. It's a long string of self-contradictory, factless, 
self-justifications to cover up blunders and create justifications for more 
wars on your moral enemies. 
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