[lit-ideas] Re: Protect the patents!

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2005 11:38:51 -0500

At 11:22 AM 11/4/2005, you wrote:

The WHO and other health authorities you mean.  Bush is only now waking up
under duress.  The media's really been quiet on this.  I'll bet if you ask
most people you know, they don't know anything about bird flu.

If I ask most people I know about ANYTHING they wouldn't know ANYTHING about it. I guess the answer to my own question is that if it doesn't have an [extremely deleterious] effect on a person's life, they just don't pay attention. I suppose people NEED to be fearful before they begin to give one shit, let alone two.


Paul Stone
Kingsville, ON, Canada

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