[lit-ideas] Re: Protect the patents!

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2005 11:36:15 -0500

At 11:22 AM 11/4/2005, you wrote:

The WHO and other health authorities you mean.  Bush is only now waking up
under duress.  The media's really been quiet on this.  I'll bet if you ask
most people you know, they don't know anything about bird flu.  What has
the Canadian media been saying about it?

Well, they haven't been whipping us into a frenzy nightly.

Every lesson that needs to be learned about this kind of thing was learned a couple of years back with the SARS "scare". Even during the SARS "epidemic" it was NOT really a fear thing in our media. Of course there were overblown stories of fear and pandemics and horror predictions that Toronto would be destroyed, but for the most part, there were reasonable press-conferences headed by those people DIRECTLY involved and with not so much theorizing as reporting exactly what WAS happening. Policies were re-written and now, you can't visit a person in any Ontario hospital without first checking in, washing your hands, and reporting about your own health.

The really sad thing is that the tourist industry DID take a HUGE hit and Toronto was temporarily stigmatized [for other things than usual]. But it was mainly the international tourist who stayed away -- those who had been scared into believing (by mainly NON-Canadian media) that millions were at risk.


Paul Stone
Kingsville, ON, Canada

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