[lit-ideas] Re: Peak Oil - More disturbing than OBL

  • From: JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2006 04:42:15 EDT

The reason the administration gives for nuking Iran?  They have  WMD's.
Hmmm.....anyone think of another time the U.S. slaughtered thousands to  keep 
alleged WMD's from attacking America?
Julie Krueger
just wondering

========Original  Message========     Subj: [lit-ideas] Re: Peak Oil - More 
disturbing than OBL  Date: 4/9/06 3:18:22 A.M. Central Daylight Time  From: 
_eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (mailto:eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)   To: 
_lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx (mailto:lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx)   Sent on:    
Simon: I'm glad you understand the issues, but  
considering you do, I'm perplexed why you are 
continuing to talk about  Iran's WMD as if that was 
the principal factor in why the Bush  
Administration is moving towards an invasion.

Eric: The US is NOT  considering an invasion. They 
are contemplating a range of tactical sorties  
designed to slow or halt Iran's nuclear program. 
No troops marching into  Iran. For the US, Iranian 
nukes would cause major problems, from the  
terrorist threat to Saudi Arabia's going nuclear.

Iranian oil is not  a factor here. Iran has gas and 
oil deals with other nations (Russia and  China in 
particular). Our bombing of Iran's nuke facilities 
will not  encourage them to make new deals with us. 
Instead it will make Iran's  pro-Western population 
hate us, and the Russians and Chinese will sell  
them what they need to rebuild.

Iran's nuclear program is the main  factor here. 
The Nuke factor may impinge on Oil (the Saudis 
will insist  on going nuclear to counter Iran's 
nuclear program) but it's really all  about the 
Mullah-thugs getting the  bomb.

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