[lit-ideas] Peak Oil - More disturbing than OBL

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 08 Apr 2006 19:50:15 -0400

Simon: Think about it Eric!

Yeah I have. Understand that the Oil Script explains not only Bush's move into Iraq, but also explains why France's Total Petrofina was there first, and the reason why the French and Germans obstructed UN involvement in the invasion. It explains why China and Russia are so timid about Iran, as well as China's sudden military buildup of a "blue water" Navy to defend its oil shipping routes. It explains a lot of current politics, anti-US sentiment, alliances like Venezuela-China, and so on.

Throughout the West (not just the US) an abrupt cut off in oil supply would cause death and suffering for millions of people. Hospitals, ambulances, police, economy...all shutting down...riots, militias, criminal gangs...starvation, martial law, epidemics, no pharmaceutical production, no heating, etc.--all part of the scenarios.

Even with a relatively "soft landing" there are major problems for all developed nations. You might like EF Schumacher's _Small is Beautiful: economics as if people mattered_, which diagnosed this problem and proposed solutions decades ago.

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