[lit-ideas] Re: Murder in two cultures

  • From: "JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx Krueger" <juliereneb@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 23:03:43 -0500

You've introduced another variable -- time-frames.  Are we talking
contemporary literature only?  If not, how far past?  Is this a free for all
since the beginning of literature in every possible culture question?  And
yes, I agree that the distinction among revenge, honour, and crimes
passionel is fairly critical to the question.  Norm, are you intending to
confine your question to "western" cultures?  The possible number of
answers/dialogues would explode exponentially if Asia and the Middle East
were included in the query.

Julie Krueger

On 4/14/07, Judith Evans <judithevans1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

(I realise Ruth Ellis isn't a literary example, I gave it because
the culture here then) for Scandinavia, Ibsen?

Judy Evans, Cardiff, UK
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