[lit-ideas] Re: More Translation Opportunities, Especially for the Welsh

  • From: David Ritchie <ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2011 23:05:57 -0700

> What the hell are you two talking about?
> Mike Geary
> talking English in Memphis
Exactly.  British English is, in instances, a different language.  Hence the 
need for translation.  I was once paid by Hewlett Packard for translating from 
American to British.  Probably that's why the shares are currently not doing so 

There's a fellow I was talking to at tennis, works for Nike.  English, lived in 
Holland.  Understood the differences between Dutch and British culture just 
fine.  Had great difficulty wrapping his mind around the fact that this is also 
a "foreign" country.  Theoretically people here speak the same language he grew 
up with.  "No," I said, "they don't.  There's a lot to learn.  We do not speak 
the same language and the Atlantic Ocean plus a few thousand miles creates a 
considerable divide.  It's a wonder we ever get anything said."

"Too right," was his response.

For closers, here's what happens when nobody sings:

I've no notion whether the team won or not, but they should have been singing.  
With vigour/vigor

David Ritchie,
Portland, Oregon

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