[lit-ideas] Re: How to Draw a Crowd

  • From: "Simon Ward" <sedward@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2009 10:41:55 -0000

Eric: "Economic inequality is the most pervasive inequality right now and that's not something that can be legislated away. So racism is promoted instead."

I don't believe the two - economic inequality and racism - are as seperated as your note implies. If everybody started off on a mythical level playing field with the same wealth and the same opportunities and then, ten years down the line, there was a clear distinction between the fortunes of blacks and whites at which point your lawyers and lobbyists appear shouting racial inequality, I'd say you have a point.

However, the real world situation is a lot different. The black minority started off with no wealth, no rights and no effective outlook. If, in the present, there remains a disproportionate number of blacks in the poorest percentiles of the economy, how much is a result of past and present injustices that need to be reconciled and how much is a result of your lobbyists and lawyers holding on to the status quo for the sake of their 'business'.

For the record I agree that economic inequality is the real issue, but I'd also note that racial inequality is, for the most part, expressed as an economic disparity. Fix the economic inequality and you'll also go a long way to fixing the racial aspect.

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