[lit-ideas] Re: Global Warming Hysteria

  • From: "Judith Evans" <judith.evans001@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 17:04:21 +0100

I just love Fargo. I haven't seen the Smilla film, I was put off by the book (having bought it after hearing the beginning on the radio).

I've got Recession Depression (mild, perhaps sadness is more like it); I get low when local shops close down and shopping streets run down, and so on.

I somehow didn't realise your thumb was more than an RSI flare-up (which is, goodness knows, bad enough). I doubt you'll be able to travel (drive, that is) soon after the op but I'm basing that on CTS surgery.

It's gonna be a rented room for me
up north by xmas,

good idea. (I can't take the heat either.) There's a US web page that tells you where you'd like to live (run by realtors, I assume) that gave me as top choice Cornwallis, Oregon, with somewhere in New Mexico second. ? !

Judy Evans, Cardiff

----- Original Message ----- From: <carolkir@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <wokshevs@xxxxxx>
Cc: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2008 11:48 PM
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Global Warming Hysteria

Dear wise guys,

Judy, you read my dream about _Fargo_. I literally dreamed the scene
where a pregnant Frances McDormand trudges through the flat, white
drifts of Fargo. Very cool dream. I rented _Smila's Sense of Snow_,
however, for the final scenes on the ice floes. Also replayed the
freezing scenes of _The Endeavor_ and indulged in being Ernest
Shackleton for a while. It helped. Thanks for the empathy.

Mike: Of course I'm still in Fresno. It takes a forklift run by a
sadist to run me out of a town at this point in my life. Or weeks of
112 degrees. That last spell might have done the trick. (It's now only
100 degrees. I'm too insane from heat to notice that I'm not outside.)
You're right--living on the beach in SF is preferable to holing up in
this desert with a tv set for company. The day your posts came though,
I was actually considering getting in my car (always a dodgy
proposition) and driving north. Just north. The Yukon wasn't out of
the question. This is something I would have done about 10 years ago.
Something I did a few times, in fact, throughout my not-so-placid
lifetime. Must be getting old, though. Now I know how wacky it'd be.
Nonetheless, thanks for the empathy and the suggestion. I have thumb
surgery scheduled in about a week (hands need help) but after that,
I'm a mobile unit.

Eric (last but never least on the Wizard's list): Quite
right--depression isn't always plain depression, especially when it's
situational involves an entity with more than an on and off toggle
switch. In this heat, I go into a kind of hibernation, or a form of
claustrophobia, where the unbearably hot outdoors feels like a closed
chamber. (How unreasonble is that, particularly when motors and humans
both cease to function in such heat?) Anyway, my tendons rupture like
fanbelts in this climate. Enough, already!

Walter: Sun City...Are you mad?

Friends, as the Republican presumptive likes to say, to hell with the
accoutrements of life--the stuff. It's gonna be a rented room for me
up north by xmas, or whenever the thumbs heal. A cool one. Goddamn

Barefooted Carol

On 7/12/08, wokshevs@xxxxxx <wokshevs@xxxxxx> wrote:
Depression is an unreasonable/irrational response to any situation. And be
grateful you're not in Sun City, AZ.

Walter O.
Sun City Libraries

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