[lit-ideas] Re: Geisha (Was: Sapir/Whorf Hypothesis)

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 22:51:57 EDT

J. McCreery quotes A. Amago:
>>It still leaves the question of why these men  
>>prefer geishas to spending time at home.

and answers:

>For the same reason that men go to golf courses, to  meet with other men 
>with whom they do business.

Now I'm confused.

You mean to say that geishas have 'pimps' -- men that men who frequent  
geishas have 'business' with?
---- Ps. Combining threads:
Incidentally, 'business' (in the form of drug dealing, besides sex) seems  to 
be all that "She's a real daddy feelgood" is all about 
From an online source:
"Stew [aka The Negro Problem] also has a feel for edgy, snarky tunes with a  
sting at the end of the chuckle. On, "She's Really Daddy Feelgood," he 
profiles  the existence of a hipster drug dealer with a few clipped lines that 
perfectly  sum up the supply-and-demand lifestyle." 

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