[lit-ideas] Re: Beyond Belief

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 01:09:38 EDT

In a message dated 8/23/2004 12:06:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,  
atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
As a  matter of fact, I've just started reading _Beyond Belief_ by  Elaine
Pagels.  Interesting book.   Has anyone else read her  [books or interviews]?


Not me (so far). The expression 'beyond belief' (a kind of cliche) I  took 
from an essay by Tufts philosopher Daniel Dennett ('Beyond belief') in A.  
Woodfield, Thought and Object.
As I recall, Dennett is interested in the _basis_ of 'belief' (_any_  belief, 
not just religious) and comes up with something like Stephen Stich's  
"sub-doxastic states".
I thought the phrase 'beyond belief' was commoner than it was. The OED  
quotes are not that many, or colloquial (below). There is in fact just _one_  
quote, and the expression is "_almost_ beyond belief", which is (hardly) 
belief (and the subject his 'spectacles' -- the Pope's, one supposes). 

'beyond' -- with noun expressing a state of mind, as belief: not  within the 
range of, not according to, past,  surpassing. 

1701 W. WOTTON Hist. Rome 285 
His Spectacles were  almost beyond  belief. 

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