[lit-ideas] Re: A Possibly Very Good Idea

  • From: "Simon Ward" <sedward@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 17:21:21 +0100


I'll do the apology in a while, but first some explanation of why I jumped.

We live in a modern world in all respects except the specific intent towards the health and welfare of the least developed nations and where that intent applies to the most-developed nations. To say we haven't got the means to raise the living standards of the least well-off is nonsense, it just comes down to the will. And remember, we are all of the same species and we have but one planet between us.

Now on from that, besides inumarable charity organisations, there is but one world body that is dedicated towards alleviating distress in the world caused by natural and man-made disasters. The UN is fundamentally good, its basic tenet is to serve those in need. And yet it's been the subject of a mythologising effort for some time now.

Yes there have been scandals, but then you get scandals everywhere. Would you damn capitalism because of Enron. Would you damn government because of Watergate. Of course you wouldn't, so why damn the UN because of a scandal. Further, your tone when discussing the UN never fails to set my teeth on edge. Your phrase: "The corrupt UN debating entity..." stinks of right wing propaganda and it smells really bead. I can't believe this is a view you have come to from many hours of tight study. Is it?

Given all that, all I could see from your hospital fleet was its potential to serve US interests. I could imagine - if there were fleets of different nationalities - that the US one would be competing or negotiating rights of passage or rights to diseases. The fundamental idea, as it seems to me, is to seek national gain through a philanthropic idea rather than to follow the philanthropy without regard and it's the latter that's needed in a divided world, anything less will create mistrust. Intent not effect.

And finally, my "USS Yost" was intended to signify the particular flavour of your fleet, a shorthand for its design. That you took as a personal slight is unfortunate and unintended, but I still offer up an apology.

I've been called worse and recently.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Eric Yost" <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, August 21, 2006 2:40 AM
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: A Possibly Very Good Idea

Simon: On this basis, I have decided to jump ship. Under Eric's premise, their is no intent beyond what can be done for the US.

Eric: That's because I imagine this to be a US effort. It would help, according to its lights, in the countries it serves. However, it must be capable of immediate redeployment to US coastal cities in case of terror attacks.

Simon, my notion does not preclude UK hospital ships, which would help abroad but be capable of recall to the UK. Would you jump off a UK hospital ship? Would you only support an internationally controlled hospital fleet?

I mean, group hugs are okay but spending your life in a group hug is sort of infantilizing isn't it?

Simon: The final nail however is the notion that it will result in the US being able to combat deseases brought into the US by those 'dirty immigrants' (my paraphrasing).

Eric: But Simon, immigrants are bringing heretofore rare diseases into the US all the time. Take malaria or yellow fever. According to a clinician friend, it's increasingly commonplace for both documented and undocumented immigrants brand spanking new to the country to show up in Emergency Rooms for treatment. If this is a trend, it should be dealt with as a trend, rather than ignored out of political correctness.

Simon: ... USS Yost

Eric: That's just plain nasty. YOU come up with a sweeping humanitarian idea then, so I can refer to it as "Simonizing."

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