[lit-ideas] Re: A Possibly Very Good Idea

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 20 Aug 2006 21:40:59 -0400

Simon: On this basis, I have decided to jump ship. Under Eric's premise, their is no intent beyond what can be done for the US.

Eric: That's because I imagine this to be a US effort. It would help, according to its lights, in the countries it serves. However, it must be capable of immediate redeployment to US coastal cities in case of terror attacks.

Simon, my notion does not preclude UK hospital ships, which would help abroad but be capable of recall to the UK. Would you jump off a UK hospital ship? Would you only support an internationally controlled hospital fleet?

I mean, group hugs are okay but spending your life in a group hug is sort of infantilizing isn't it?

Simon: The final nail however is the notion that it will result in the US being able to combat deseases brought into the US by those 'dirty immigrants' (my paraphrasing).

Eric: But Simon, immigrants are bringing heretofore rare diseases into the US all the time. Take malaria or yellow fever. According to a clinician friend, it's increasingly commonplace for both documented and undocumented immigrants brand spanking new to the country to show up in Emergency Rooms for treatment. If this is a trend, it should be dealt with as a trend, rather than ignored out of political correctness.

Simon: ... USS Yost

Eric: That's just plain nasty. YOU come up with a sweeping humanitarian idea then, so I can refer to it as "Simonizing."

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