[haiku] Re: Open sourcing SoundPlay?

  • From: Sean Collins <smc.collins@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 23:23:59 -0400

Gerasim Troeglazov wrote:
About qt. I've heard a lot of negative statements about the port of qt. They say it would end up killing the initiative to write native applications, etc. )))
This qt players work fine under Haiku, but isn't native applications:

I make native MediaKit output modules for cuberok and QMPlay2.

PS: I'll write own player in any way. Because I want to do it. ))

No harm done in having QT imho, Those Mediakit output modules, are those something that could be used for other applications ? the QT based Tractor DAW would be a great addition to the Haiku ecosystem, if it had a way to be built. Anyways since the project is short on developers, the users will clamor for any software they can get.

Thank you for the hardwork on the porting effort, and do you plan to do a new release of QT with Alpha4 ? Also does the recent webkit update help with any of the bugs in the Qtwebkit, or for updating the port ?

Sorry for all the questions.


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