[gmpi] Re: Reqs draft

  • From: Mike Berry <mberry@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 21:22:27 -0700

eric wrote:

This is not a cross-platform solution. This is one of those "non-standard individual devices" that I was talking about before, and talk about bad usability... It's a crappy way to deal with it. It assumes way too much about how the host implements its plugin discovery. What if the host only looks in 2 directories for plugins (one central place, and one host-specific place), currently the dominant method? "Use a different host" is a bad answer because it's currently difficult to find a VST host that has any concept of plugin management, let alone a VST host that does it well and satisfies your other needs. As long as there is no standard solution, there is no good solution.

While I applaud your desire to legislate changes to host design to fix what is a glaring issue to you, it simply isn't going to work. I simply don't see anyway that GMPI could say as part of the specification: "Your host must offer this form of plugin loading management." Doing this or not is not going to affect whether a host can load a GMPI plugin. There is no GMPI certification board that awards a GMPI compatibility sticker (at least, I hope not). So what you are left with is simply asking hosts to add this feature. Well, just because the asking is in a GMPI document is not really going to affect the host's manufacturer's decisions. Those decisions will be based on perceived cost vs. benefit. The cost is easy to assess. The benefit only comes from users who buy/use your host as opposed to another. Any manufacturer who wants their product to succeed is listening to their customers as much as possible. Those customers make noise about features that they want added. If some host manufacturers have not heard that noise, well there isn't anything that GMPI is going to be able to do about that. So vote with your pocketbook. Agitate on user forums for your preferred hosts. Call up customer support over and over. These things will bring about change. Mandating/suggesting it in a standard simply will not bring about the change you desire.

Mike Berry
Adobe Systems

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