[gmpi] Re: Reqs draft

  • From: eric <dilvie@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2003 19:15:24 -0700

Tim Hockin wrote:

On Sat, Nov 08, 2003 at 09:11:20AM -0500, Angus F. Hewlett wrote:

On Sat, 8 Nov 2003, Steve Harris wrote:

I dont like the idea of a db that might get out of sync, but it might make
parsing plugin metadata faster - is this a serious concern?

Very much so, yes - particularly as plugin libraries may have a ton of
dependencies and take, in the worst case, several seconds to load.

Several seconds is really worth all the extra headache? I'm very against a central registry.

Filesystem based discovery seems to perform acceptably, and is easier to

OK, alternative proposal:-
A plugin is a folder. The folder contains a metadata file (plaintext?
*ML?) which the host can read. This gives us filesystem based discovery
without the overhead of library load and initialization.

What kind of metadata? Is it really easier to store meta-data outside the plugin than to just ask the plugin?

YES, it's easier. You don't have to load, instantiate, and query the plugin if the info is available outside the plugin. I have one plugin that takes about 15 seconds to load.... and I have HUNDREDS of plugins. That could get very messy (IS very messy for me already with VST). I think an external plugin description is a MUST.


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