[gmpi] Reqs 5, 6, 11 for debate

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 14:58:44 -0800

On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 06:24:51PM -0500, Paul Davis wrote:
> what is needed right now is (a) a decision on whether such an API is
> appropriate and (b) what the set that X is drawn from looks like.


Here are proposals for some of the currently debated reqs

Req 5 - Portable Runtime

The GMPI design group should research options for a cross-platform
portability library for GMPI plugins.  And existing library may be adopted,
or a new library may be drafted.  This should be a separate specification
from the GMPI API.  Plugins that wish to be most portable should use this
API instead of native APIs whenever possible.  This API is not the host
services API, which should handle certain host-specific services tasks.

Req 6 - Audio and Control data

Plugins must be able to control other plugins.  The actual control
mechanism may involve host arbitration, rather than direct plugin to
plugin links.  This control includes things such as parameters and control
signals as well as things like voice allocation.

Req 11 - Setting sample rate

<nothing yet>

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