[gmpi] Re: Reqs 3.8 Events - ramped events

  • From: "Jeff McClintock" <jeffmcc@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 18:14:00 +1300

> > If you let a plug have a MIDI In control port ...

> This is exactly what I hate.  I don't want to know what CC# each knob in
> SynthX is.  I don't want to figure out MIDI learn on each Synth I buy.  I
> want to right-click->link-to-MIDI and then waggle a knob.  On EVERYTHING.
> The same way.  I want to be able to write plugins that can be controlled
> MIDI without writing a MIDI parser and building it into each plugin.


> If sysEx communication between external devices and plugs is going to be
supported (needed for some control surfaces), then you'd need actual MIDI
byte sequences to be able to move around inside GMPI graphs.

No.  You sequencer isn't forced to send MIDI via the VST or DXi graph, is
it?.  If you're using an external MIDI device with your sequencer, it will
talk MIDI.  GIMPI won't even come into it.

  GIMPI synths need much the same info as MIDI synths, but they don't need
the restictions of MIDI. Converting CC to a float format saves the synth a
lot of work.  It can still be a normalised value, i.e. retain the advantages
of MIDI, the ability to route it in unusual ways.

Best Regards,

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