[gmpi] Re: Decision time: 8.2

  • From: Marc Poirier <fipnid@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 19:37:18 -0700 (PDT)

--- Chris Grigg wrote:
> >No, the plugin doesn't need to know if touch automation is currently
> >occuring or not, I don't think.  But, if it has enough information to
> >know that it should be reporting parameter changes in a way such that 
> >touch automation will work, if it is currently happening, then the 
> >plugin should be able to do this.
> But it can, and no API changes are necessary to enable that.

Whoa, are you saying that we have an API?  ;-)

> If the 
> plug wants to be adjusting parameters internally in response to 
> incoming parameters, and sending events to reflect those changes, 
> then why not just send them all the time?  And/or,  if, per your 
> previous example, the plug only wants to send change events for the 
> dependent parameters when the incoming parameter behaves in certain 
> ways (like interpreting an event after a minimum lag since the 
> previous event as the start of a gesture), then it's free to do that. 
> And if the plug wants to limit the update rate for the dependent 
> parameters, it can do that too.  So I don't see why you say you need 
> those mousedown/mouseup events...
> ...but if you still think you do, please propose a solution.  I 
> suppose it could be handled by establishing a parameter/event 
> convention: i.e. UpdateInterval( parameterID, start | stop ).

Yeah, that's more what I was thinking anyway.  It sure would be goofy for
the DSP component to be simulating mouse-down / mouse-up events.  At least
I would find that silly.  I was thinking that there would just be a more
general mechanism in the API for indicating param-change-gesture-start and
param-change-gesture-stop, like what you were just saying.  And then some
folks said that the DSP component itself should be prohibited from being
able to use that mechanism.  And I say, no, everyone should be able to use
it, and in some (admittedly probably rare and esoteric) cases, the DSP
component will have totally valid reasons for needing to use this
mechanism.  I think that everyone agrees that the mechanism needs to
exist, though, right?


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