[geocentrism] Re: Welcome back

  • From: "Dr. Neville Jones" <ntj005@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 13:44:37 +0000 (GMT)

In response to Philip and Gary:
<<< Philip wrote: For starters I will be glad to take you on re 
the moon landing, and I do not think as you do that geocentrism stands 
or falls upon this happening. Perhaps you could enlighten us as to how 
scripture would be opposed by  mans movement of things and himself onto 
other celestial bodies... >>> 
Okay, I was about to do this.
In the geocentric arena there are basically two camps - the large universe and 
the small universe. Dr. Gerardus Bouw supports the large universe (and NASA 
Moon landings, probes, HST, etc., etc.) and I advocate the small universe.
In the small geocentric, geostatic universe, NASA could never have landed upon 
the Moon for two reasons: 1. The Moon is simply going the opposite way to what 
we are taught, and 2. The stars are not stationary, but are rotating diurnally 
about the World.
No. 1 means that anything fired toward the Moon would be going the wrong way 
and would therefore just smash into it.
No. 2 means that it would be impossible to navigate to the Moon and back using 
the stars.
I hope that answers the question.
<<< Gary wrote: I don't believe we ever made it to the moon either. Bennett and 
Percy may
not be right on every count, but then, not every question asked in any
classroom is a valid one either. I think their mass of evidences speaks
volumes. Neil R. had said in the first incarnation of this forum that he
thought that people who believed such things were likely to believe in every
other conspiracy. Well, that I may have to give him, since I believe that,
among other things, Presidents Kennedy, Harding, McKinley, Garfield, and
Lincoln were all murdered by the banksters....and FDR knew about Pearl
Harbor, and that a jumbo plane never hit the Pentagon on 9-11, etc., etc.
Neil's right. I'm a conspiracy nut. >>>
There are several sites that label those who believe NASA as "Pro Apollo 
Nutters" (or PANs), so I could just easily dismiss Neil along the same 
'logical' lines that he uses.
For the record, there is no way whatsoever that an aeroplane hit the Pentagon - 
it was hit by a missile (see "Pentagate," by Thierry Meyssan, published 
byCarnot.) - this means that the whole '9-11' business was orchestrated by the 
US government. And it doesn't take much reasoning to figure out why.

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