[geocentrism] re Nevilles small universe.

  • From: "Philip" <joyphil@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 08:31:55 +1000

In the small geocentric, geostatic universe, NASA could never have landed upon 
the Moon for two reasons: 1. The Moon is simply going the opposite way to what 
we are taught, and 2. The stars are not stationary, but are rotating diurnally 
about the World.
No. 1 means that anything fired toward the Moon would be going the wrong way 
and would therefore just smash into it.
[Now I am confused. So you do not deny we could supply the energy to hit the 
moon, only that we would not have the energy to control the landing. Also from 
your No 2 below, you only admit of a navigation problem. Surely the distances 
involved would give us no reason to need the stars for navigation, only the 
relative motions being necessary. 

Apparently your objection is only scientific and not scriptual, which supports 
my contentention, that a moon landing would not destroy geocentrism, merely be 
a cause for a revised scientific position.  Philip]

No. 2 means that it would be impossible to navigate to the Moon and back using 
the stars.

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