[geocentrism] Re: Fwd: Fw: Geostatic Satellites

  • From: Mike <mboyd@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 04:10:15 +0100

>>if you believe the 
>>earth does not rotate you have two choices:
>>1. Newtonian mechanics is wrong
>>2. The satalites aren't there (including the moon)
> 1. Newtonian mechanics was not promoted by Isaac
> Newton himself as "explaining" how the "solar system"
> worked. On the contrary, Newton had many disagreements
> with those of his contempories who called themselves
> Newtonians.

Nether-the-less, Newtonian mechanics is consistent with the moon's orbit 
and the conventionally accepted rotational period of the earth -- and 
inconsistent with a stationary earth.  Of course I should have added 
another option:

3. The moon is orbiting much lower than conventionally claimed.

You might be able to think up some others too.

> 2. Mike and his conventional acentrists can't even
> tell us where the Moon came from, let alone the
> mechanics of its orbit.

The mechanics of its orbit are almost perfectly explained by newtonian 
mechanics.  Where it comes from is immaterial, it is there orbiting at 
that distance with that rotational period and Newtonian mechanics 
explains why it continues to do so if the earth is rotating with the 
apparent rotational period against the stars.

> And, by the way, Isaac Newton
> stated that trying to calculate the Moon's motion gave
> him a headache!

He also wrote great treatises (is that a word) on God.  The scientific 
method distinguishes between objective truth and opinion.  I am only 
interested in that which we can know (objective truth).


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