[gameprogrammer] Re: C#

  • From: Jonathan Dearborn <grimfang4@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gameprogrammer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 06:28:38 -0500

When is C# faster than C++?  If the C# VM is written in something like C++,
I can't see how this is true.  Such a comparison would be superficial at
some level.  Just In Time (JIT) compilation would make it just as fast as a
compiled language, save for the JIT step.

However, development time can definitely be faster with C#.  It has more
modern programming structures and paradigms (until C++0x, I hope).

It is important to note that the more popular the language, the harder it is
to replace.  C++ will still be used for a long time even if there were a
suitable replacement.  People are just stubborn that way.  Heck, I know
literally dozens of FORTRAN programmers.

Jonny D

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 5:09 AM, Roman Hwang <hwang.roman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello,
> I don't think that learning C++ is a waste.
> Much of the concepts that you learned in C++, you can apply for different
> languages as well.
> And knowing what is going on at a level below is always a plus.
> As I know, sometimes C# and Java can be faster than C++.
> But with C++ you can create games and other application for wide variety of
> platforms.
> As a suggestion keep using C++, but start learning C# or Java or Python
> also.
> And the things that you'll get from the learning, will make you C++ coding
> only better.
>  And don't forget that there is no 'silver bullet' language.
> Try to analyse a problem, and then apply the most effective tools, that you
> have.
> If you look at professional game development, you'll notice that they are
> not using only C++, only C#...
> Usually it's C# for tools, C++ for engine with some Lua for high-level game
> logic scripting.
> Regards,
> -Roman
> On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 6:36 PM, Dheeraj Patni <dheeraj.patni@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>> hi,I am a c++ game developer..I like C++(actually love it ) and i like
>> game programming...
>> but i see some of the threads like c# is faster than c++ in JIT
>> enviornment (i even dont know what is JIT???) because it uses cache..and
>> smthing like it bla bla bla....
>> then i just becomes sad that from the last 3 years i am just learning c++
>> and all is waste...i cant even left c++ because i LOVE it whatever it is
>> hard or not..
>> Is that things about c# is true ??? c# is faster than c++ ?? In game
>> development too???
>> On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 5:13 PM, Paulo Pinto <pjmlp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> That is why functional programming is slowly becoming mainstream.
>>> Multicore programming might just be the "killer feature" that will make
>>> many
>>> "normal" programmers care about it.
>>> http://www.st.cs.uni-saarland.de/edu/seminare/2005/advanced-fp/docs/sweeny.pdf
>>> --
>>> Paulo
>>> On Sun, Dec 12, 2010 at 10:44 AM, Alan Wolfe <alan.wolfe@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
>>>> I agree with that last statement bob.  Especially since multiprocessing
>>>> is becoming so important and it hasn't really been a topic that modern
>>>> languages have tried to address that much.
>>>> Change is on the horizon for that but not here yet
>>>> On Dec 12, 2010 1:37 AM, "Bob Pendleton" <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>  On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 8:32 PM, Chris Nystrom <cnystrom@xxxxxxxxx>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at...
>>>> No, I do not.
>>>> That is kind of like asking if C is the language that Algol should
>>>> have been :-). But, a lot more complicated. The relationship between
>>>> Java. C#, and C++ is very complicated. At a technical level I see both
>>>> Java and C# as a reaction to the weird syntactic mess that C++ has
>>>> become. But, you can't forget the history of J++ and C# in
>>>> relationship to the half a billion dollars MS had to pay Sun for
>>>> violating their contract. MS first tried to embrace and extend Java
>>>> into an incompatible mess and when the court gave MS a half a billion
>>>> dollar spanking for that MS then decided to invent C#. But, C# is
>>>> *NOT* just a legal way to undermine Java. The C# designers did a good
>>>> job and came up with a good language. But, not that good and being MS
>>>> it is mostly only useful on Windows. To bad about that...
>>>> I really think of Java and C# and experiments that may or may not lead
>>>> to a language that is as powerful as C++ and Lisp but with a syntax
>>>> that humans will actually be able to use and remember.
>>>> We are a long way from being done with the invention of programming
>>>> languages.
>>>> Bob Pendleton
>>>> >
>>>> > Chris
>>>> >
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>>>> +-----------------------------------------------------------
>>>> + Bob Pendleton: writer and programmer
>>>> + email: Bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> + web: www.TheGrumpyProgrammer.com
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>> --
>> -Dheeraj Patni

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