Re: 48x48

  • From: tooar <tooar@xxxxxxx>
  • To: emelfm2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 12:24:39 +0200


Robert wrote on Tue, 07.09.2004:
> tooar wrote:
> >heh, don't do it if it isn't fun anymore. :) i think 48x48 is really
> >sufficient for almost everybody. the other probably can live with a
> >scaled version.

> Sorry I didn't mean it like that.I just have a lot to do this week and
> don't have time for much of anything else.What made it a pain was the 
> hurry.Just wanted to get it out to you so I didn't have to worry
> about.

np, i don't have much time for e2 either, right now.

> >nice, would you tell me the url?

> Sure thing.  The main page is here 

ok, thanks a lot.

> Is the dev version stable enough to use on a daily basis? Tried it a 

definitely not! e2 itself is in pre-alpha state and the pre-release
might have even more bugs. so i suggest to use 0.0.9 if you don't want
to worry about e2 constantly. though, if you like, you can easily test
pre-releases without any danger as you can simply run e2 from the build
directory. and there's the -c command line switch which lets you choose
a different config directory. this way you won't mess up your normal

> while back and it wouldn't build.

if pre-releases don't build, please tell me the error messsage! :)

> Virtual fs? Great idea.Mc is what I use at the command line all the 
> time.Didn't think it was still in devlopement.Too bad it doesn't
> support utf8 because it would've been perfect IMO.

yes, mc's vfs is pretty cool as you can even extend it with normal shell

> Just out curiousity, think in a future release that the bar (not sure 
> what its called) with the settings hidden file,  filters and the arrow
> pointing to the other pane could somehow be removed,hidden from view
> or converted to a menu? To me it is kind of an eye sore.I like the 
> functionality just don't like it showing all the time.  :)

yes, of course it will be replaced by a normal e2 toolbar with all the
functionality the other toolbars have, too. these old menubars above the
panes are a left-over from emelFM1. it is planned to have different
"views" for the file panes and then the old menubar will only be visible
with the old file view. the new file view will have a toolbar instead!

> BTW, I've been trying to get the stinking progress bar to work without
> success.Followed the directions to a tee.It shows up in the plugin 
> config box for both move and copy which are set to 'yes'. I've rebuilt
> emelfm2 a number of times with no luck at all. Does it work for you?If
> so then I'm obviously doing something very wrong.

sorry to hear that. actually, plugins aren't meant to work right now and
aren't officially supported. the cpbar and mvbar plugins work for me,
though. what might be your problem is that the cpbar and mvbar plugins
don't replace the normal file actions. they supply extra actions. for
example, right click a big file you'd like to copy and choose
"Copyprogressbar" from the plugins submenu of the context menu. then a
dialog with a progress bar should pop up.
of course, you could also change the toolbar buttons to use the plugins.
edit the toolbar in the config dialog and choose a different action for
the copy button. the normal action is "file.copy" and the plugin is
called "Copyprogressbar".

as it seems, also a lot of documentation is missing.. :)



Hiroschima 45, Tschernobyl 86, Windows 95

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