Re: 48x48

  • From: Reboant <reboant@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: emelfm2@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 00:51:13 -0500

A L wrote:

and was there any extra steps when saving it to a .svg file?


I went ahead and rebuilt Inkscape and it worked.Tried that while back and got a message saying it could only export to png format.Heck I can even read the tutorials that come with it now. :) Before they where smeared beyond recognition.
Thats what I get for letting Gentoo's Portage compile it for me.
Thanks for the info.

If the image is messed up, open the svg in sodipodi/inkscape/.... and fix it.

Don't use any special transparancy options (multiply, screen, overlay, .......) in illustrator. In short keep it simple.

Well, at least that is what I do.


Thanks for the tip.
If you know of any illustrator tutorials could you pass them along?I found a few online but they where all written in languages other than english.Tried translating them at google but that turn out to be a waste of time.

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