[APAworks] Re: (Fwd) About CORE

  • From: Pierre Bourque <pbourque@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: apaworks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 11:52:36 -0700 (MST)

On Mon, 27 May 2002, Christian Schaller wrote:

> > Oh, an odd question (related to the above, and a little more APAworks
> > relevant), is there a policy on using images (that aren't original works)
> > in a submission?
> I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's not an odd question.
> It's a profoundly stupid one.

You're in a particularly acerbic mood today, Chris...

Anyway, I was asking because EXO (or whatever Jolan calls it now) has done
so in the past (a number of Gundam writeups, for instance)

In retrospect, I suppose it comes down to it being simply that APAWorks
holds itself to more professional standards, so the question should have
been moot.

> Here's a simple test you can perform:  do you own the rights to those
> images? If not, then have you secured the right to publish them? If not,
> then it is not legal for you to publish them, pure and simple. Whether you
> scrounged them from a site that's legitimately publishing them or from
> some hack site that isn't, if you don't have the right to publish them,
> then you don't have the right to publish them.

So would it then be kosher to say "To see the original illustration this
writeup/design/conversion/etc is inspired by, go to <link>"?

> Chris


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